Your Pre Pregnancy Checklist

Before you pick a name and paint your child's room, think about how you're preparing your body and life for that little bundle of joy.
Get in shape on time (even if your waistline disappears for a while) to ease your pregnancy and birth, and aim for her heart-pounding 30 minutes almost every day. Hiking, biking and swimming are great ways to exercise. Or join a pregnancy exercise class.
Eat one right
Before long, you'll want ice cream and pickles. Concentrate on eating well now. They need lots of protein, iron, calcium, and folic acid. Stock up on fruits, nuts, vegetables, leafy greens, whole grains, and low-fat dairy. Cut down on chips, baked goods, sodas, and other unhealthy, calorie-free foods. To make it easier, let your partner participate.
Take folic acid
Helps prevent serious birth defects that can occur before you know you're pregnant. This b vitamin is found in many foods, including leafy greens, citrus fruits, and legumes, but most women need tablets to get enough.
Start with your daily vitamins. When planning a pregnancy, you need 400 micrograms of folic acid daily, which is the amount found in most multivitamins.
Watch your weight
Being too thin can make it harder to get pregnant.
Excessive weight can cause problems such as:
Increases the chance of diabetes and high blood pressure. Labor may also last longer, which is undesirable.
Talk to your doctor about what is a healthy weight for you.
Get yourself examined
Would you like to share your plans? Start with your doctor. See her a few months before trying to conceive. To ask:
• required tests and vaccines
Prenatal vitamins
• how to manage or control health problems;
• medications that can and should not be taken during pregnancy
Genetic counseling
There is no crystal ball that can tell you whose eyes your baby will have. However, if your family history or ethnicity puts you at an increased risk of having a baby with a genetic disorder, your doctor may recommend pre-pregnancy testing. A simple blood or saliva test can tell you if you carry the genes for cystic fibrosis, fragile x syndrome, tay-sachs disease, or sickle cell anemia.
Contact the dentist
If you're not using the flosser regularly, now is the time to make it a habit. It's good for your baby and good for your smile. Pregnancy increases the risk of periodontal disease. This is also a health problem that increases the chance of premature birth. So, clean and check your teeth daily, brush, floss, and rinse with antiseptic mouthwash.
Avoid caffeine
Some experts suggest not consuming more than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day during and during pregnancy. That's roughly one 12 ounce cup of coffee or four 8 ounce cups of tea. Switch to decaffeinated coffee, or try warm flavored milk instead.
If you can't go without your morning drink, just have one and keep it small.
Quit smoking
Among other drawbacks, smoking can make pregnancy difficult. Lighting during pregnancy may also increase the chances of problems such as premature birth, low birth weight, and also puts the baby at risk of sudden infant death syndrome (sids).
Ask your partner to stop as well. Passive smoking is also dangerous. And it can affect male fertility.
Stop drinking
You never know when you might get pregnant, so skip adult beverages now.drinking alcohol during pregnancy increases your chances of birth defects and learning disabilities. Alcohol can also make pregnancy difficult.
If you find out you drank beer or wine before you found out you were pregnant, don't panic. Drinks are probably fine. But doctors don't know how much trouble alcohol can cause, so play it safe and avoid alcohol altogether.
Baby budget
Toddlers need many things. They go through about 8,000 diapers before going to the bathroom! You'll need clothes, a car seat, a stroller, and formula and bottles. Build your supplies list and start searching today. Please note that your costs include doctor visits and possibly child care.
To protect your wallet, think carefully about second-hand baby clothes, buy in bulk, and take care of your child.
Check out the benefits
If you're working, think about what you'd like to do once you have a baby. Some companies allow employees to take paid leave after giving birth. Others offer unpaid leave. You may also be able to take sick leave or leave before returning home.
Also, check your health insurance plan to see which doctors and hospitals it covers.
Planning a 'baby moon'
Adult holidays now. Whether it's a fancy restaurant or a relaxing beach, go somewhere you don't want to take your baby alone or with your partner. This is a good time for some ''me'' or ''us'' time before it gets too uncomfortable to travel and you can't focus on being a parent.
Prepare the pet
If your dog or cat was your furling, a toddler who suddenly appears and cries or cools off can upset or unsettle them. Please help me.
Bring baby products such as lotions and diapers into the house to acclimate them to the smell. Set new rules too, such as staying away from furniture and children's rooms. Borrow baby clothes and pretend to have a doll so your pet gets used to sharing your attention.
Before you pick a name and paint your child's room, think about how you're preparing your body and life for that little bundle of joy.
Get in shape on time (even if your waistline disappears for a while) to ease your pregnancy and birth, and aim for her heart-pounding 30 minutes almost every day. Hiking, biking and swimming are great ways to exercise. Or join a pregnancy exercise class.
Eat one right
Before long, you'll want ice cream and pickles. Concentrate on eating well now. They need lots of protein, iron, calcium, and folic acid. Stock up on fruits, nuts, vegetables, leafy greens, whole grains, and low-fat dairy. Cut down on chips, baked goods, sodas, and other unhealthy, calorie-free foods. To make it easier, let your partner participate.
Take folic acid
Helps prevent serious birth defects that can occur before you know you're pregnant. This b vitamin is found in many foods, including leafy greens, citrus fruits, and legumes, but most women need tablets to get enough.
Start with your daily vitamins. When planning a pregnancy, you need 400 micrograms of folic acid daily, which is the amount found in most multivitamins.
Watch your weight
Being too thin can make it harder to get pregnant.
Excessive weight can cause problems such as:
Increases the chance of diabetes and high blood pressure. Labor may also last longer, which is undesirable.
Talk to your doctor about what is a healthy weight for you.
Get yourself examined
Would you like to share your plans? Start with your doctor. See her a few months before trying to conceive. To ask:
• required tests and vaccines
Prenatal vitamins
• how to manage or control health problems;
• medications that can and should not be taken during pregnancy
Genetic counseling
There is no crystal ball that can tell you whose eyes your baby will have. However, if your family history or ethnicity puts you at an increased risk of having a baby with a genetic disorder, your doctor may recommend pre-pregnancy testing. A simple blood or saliva test can tell you if you carry the genes for cystic fibrosis, fragile x syndrome, tay-sachs disease, or sickle cell anemia.
Contact the dentist
If you're not using the flosser regularly, now is the time to make it a habit. It's good for your baby and good for your smile. Pregnancy increases the risk of periodontal disease. This is also a health problem that increases the chance of premature birth. So, clean and check your teeth daily, brush, floss, and rinse with antiseptic mouthwash.
Avoid caffeine
Some experts suggest not consuming more than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day during and during pregnancy. That's roughly one 12 ounce cup of coffee or four 8 ounce cups of tea. Switch to decaffeinated coffee, or try warm flavored milk instead.
If you can't go without your morning drink, just have one and keep it small.
Quit smoking
Among other drawbacks, smoking can make pregnancy difficult. Lighting during pregnancy may also increase the chances of problems such as premature birth, low birth weight, and also puts the baby at risk of sudden infant death syndrome (sids).
Ask your partner to stop as well. Passive smoking is also dangerous. And it can affect male fertility.
Stop drinking
You never know when you might get pregnant, so skip adult beverages now.drinking alcohol during pregnancy increases your chances of birth defects and learning disabilities. Alcohol can also make pregnancy difficult.
If you find out you drank beer or wine before you found out you were pregnant, don't panic. Drinks are probably fine. But doctors don't know how much trouble alcohol can cause, so play it safe and avoid alcohol altogether.
Baby budget
Toddlers need many things. They go through about 8,000 diapers before going to the bathroom! You'll need clothes, a car seat, a stroller, and formula and bottles. Build your supplies list and start searching today. Please note that your costs include doctor visits and possibly child care.
To protect your wallet, think carefully about second-hand baby clothes, buy in bulk, and take care of your child.
Check out the benefits
If you're working, think about what you'd like to do once you have a baby. Some companies allow employees to take paid leave after giving birth. Others offer unpaid leave. You may also be able to take sick leave or leave before returning home.
Also, check your health insurance plan to see which doctors and hospitals it covers.
Planning a 'baby moon'
Adult holidays now. Whether it's a fancy restaurant or a relaxing beach, go somewhere you don't want to take your baby alone or with your partner. This is a good time for some ''me'' or ''us'' time before it gets too uncomfortable to travel and you can't focus on being a parent.
Prepare the pet
If your dog or cat was your furling, a toddler who suddenly appears and cries or cools off can upset or unsettle them. Please help me.
Bring baby products such as lotions and diapers into the house to acclimate them to the smell. Set new rules too, such as staying away from furniture and children's rooms. Borrow baby clothes and pretend to have a doll so your pet gets used to sharing your attention.
Jan 14,2023