Choosing Your OB

What is an obstetrician?
An obstetrician is a doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and the female reproductive system. Other doctors can deliver babies, but many women see an obstetrician, also called an obstetrician. An obstetrician can care for you throughout your pregnancy and provide follow-up care for years to come, including: B. Annual Pap test.
OB/GYN graduated from medical school and completed her 4-year residency program in Obstetrics and Gynecology. The residency trains them in pre-pregnancy health, pregnancy, labor and childbirth, health problems after childbirth, genetics, and genetic counseling. A board-certified OB has completed the residency training and passed rigorous written and oral exams.
What Your OB Does
During your pregnancy, your OB will:
• Monitor your health and your developing babies' health, including doing routine ultrasounds, measurements, and tests
• Check for health conditions that could cause problems during your pregnancy or affect your babies' health, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, infections, and genetic disorders
• Advise you about diet, exercise, medications, and staying healthy
• Help you cope with morning sickness, back and leg pain, heartburn, and other common pregnancy complaints
• Answer your questions about pregnancy and your growing baby
• Explain what will happen during labor and delivery
Your OB will also:
• Deliver your babies
• Monitor your health while you recuperate
How Your OB Works With Your Pregnancy Team
Your OB will play a central role before, during, and after your pregnancy.
• OBs work together with nurses, nurse-midwives, physician assistants, and other health professionals to provide your care. You may see these team members during your routine prenatal visits. • Your obstetrician may recommend that you and your father attend pregnancy or childbirth classes taught by a nurse or midwife.
• When the big day arrives, nurses and obstetricians will help you through the hard work of labour, who will monitor your progress and deliver your baby when the time is right.
• If your obstetrician is in a group practice where multiple doctors share waiting times, another doctor in the group can deliver the baby. Be sure to ask about this when choosing your obstetrician.
Reasons for needing an OB
General practitioners and midwives can also coordinate antenatal care, but there are certain situations where it is important to seek treatment from an obstetrician.
• If you are over the age of 35 or have a high-risk pregnancy, it is recommended that you have prenatal care with an obstetrician.
• Some women with high-risk pregnancies may benefit from a visit to a maternal-fetal specialist, an obstetrician highly trained in complex pregnancies.
• If your primary care doctor or midwife is providing prenatal care and complications occur, you may consult or refer to an obstetrician.
Even if you are fit and expecting a healthy and normal pregnancy, you may still prefer to be treated by an obstetrician.
How to choose an OB
Ask your doctor for recommendations when you start looking. You can also ask friends and family if they can recommend someone. The following questions will help you choose the right OB.
• Does this doctor have a good reputation?
• What training and experience does this doctor have?
• What is the obstetrician's general approach to care and delivery during pregnancy? • Will my obstetrician help me with the type of birth I want (elective induction, natural birth, water birth, no painkillers)?
• Do you agree with your obstetrician's opinion regarding the timing of induced labor or caesarean section?
• What percentage of her OB patients have caesarean sections?
• What percentage of obstetricians' patients have an episiotomy, and under what circumstances?
• If I choose to use a doula, will my obstetrician help me with that choice? • How do obstetricians deal with pain during childbirth?
• If OB is absent, who will take over for her OB?
•If another of her OB can deliver, could you meet me in advance?
• Will my doctor listen to me and explain things clearly?
• Is my spouse or partner satisfied with this doctor? • Are the office staff friendly and helpful?
• Is the office location cheap?
• How are emergency and after-hours calls handled?
• Which hospitals does your obstetrician work with?
• Does my insurance cover this doctor's services?
An obstetrician is a doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and the female reproductive system. Other doctors can deliver babies, but many women see an obstetrician, also called an obstetrician. An obstetrician can care for you throughout your pregnancy and provide follow-up care for years to come, including: B. Annual Pap test.
OB/GYN graduated from medical school and completed her 4-year residency program in Obstetrics and Gynecology. The residency trains them in pre-pregnancy health, pregnancy, labor and childbirth, health problems after childbirth, genetics, and genetic counseling. A board-certified OB has completed the residency training and passed rigorous written and oral exams.
What Your OB Does
During your pregnancy, your OB will:
• Monitor your health and your developing babies' health, including doing routine ultrasounds, measurements, and tests
• Check for health conditions that could cause problems during your pregnancy or affect your babies' health, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, infections, and genetic disorders
• Advise you about diet, exercise, medications, and staying healthy
• Help you cope with morning sickness, back and leg pain, heartburn, and other common pregnancy complaints
• Answer your questions about pregnancy and your growing baby
• Explain what will happen during labor and delivery
Your OB will also:
• Deliver your babies
• Monitor your health while you recuperate
How Your OB Works With Your Pregnancy Team
Your OB will play a central role before, during, and after your pregnancy.
• OBs work together with nurses, nurse-midwives, physician assistants, and other health professionals to provide your care. You may see these team members during your routine prenatal visits. • Your obstetrician may recommend that you and your father attend pregnancy or childbirth classes taught by a nurse or midwife.
• When the big day arrives, nurses and obstetricians will help you through the hard work of labour, who will monitor your progress and deliver your baby when the time is right.
• If your obstetrician is in a group practice where multiple doctors share waiting times, another doctor in the group can deliver the baby. Be sure to ask about this when choosing your obstetrician.
Reasons for needing an OB
General practitioners and midwives can also coordinate antenatal care, but there are certain situations where it is important to seek treatment from an obstetrician.
• If you are over the age of 35 or have a high-risk pregnancy, it is recommended that you have prenatal care with an obstetrician.
• Some women with high-risk pregnancies may benefit from a visit to a maternal-fetal specialist, an obstetrician highly trained in complex pregnancies.
• If your primary care doctor or midwife is providing prenatal care and complications occur, you may consult or refer to an obstetrician.
Even if you are fit and expecting a healthy and normal pregnancy, you may still prefer to be treated by an obstetrician.
How to choose an OB
Ask your doctor for recommendations when you start looking. You can also ask friends and family if they can recommend someone. The following questions will help you choose the right OB.
• Does this doctor have a good reputation?
• What training and experience does this doctor have?
• What is the obstetrician's general approach to care and delivery during pregnancy? • Will my obstetrician help me with the type of birth I want (elective induction, natural birth, water birth, no painkillers)?
• Do you agree with your obstetrician's opinion regarding the timing of induced labor or caesarean section?
• What percentage of her OB patients have caesarean sections?
• What percentage of obstetricians' patients have an episiotomy, and under what circumstances?
• If I choose to use a doula, will my obstetrician help me with that choice? • How do obstetricians deal with pain during childbirth?
• If OB is absent, who will take over for her OB?
•If another of her OB can deliver, could you meet me in advance?
• Will my doctor listen to me and explain things clearly?
• Is my spouse or partner satisfied with this doctor? • Are the office staff friendly and helpful?
• Is the office location cheap?
• How are emergency and after-hours calls handled?
• Which hospitals does your obstetrician work with?
• Does my insurance cover this doctor's services?
Jan 11,2023