Puppy Care Basics

Why do you want a puppy
Before you get a puppy, ask yourself a few questions. Why do you want a dog? Do you have the time, space and money to care for and play with a puppy? What breed do you want? Know the answer before you start searching. If you search, you are more likely to bring home a puppy.
Where to get puppies
There are many options when choosing a puppy. With so many homeless pets, it's great to adopt one from a shelter, rescue group, or animal shelter. When choosing a breeder, the american society for the prevention of cruelty to animals (aspca) recommends looking for smaller breeders who never sell to dealers or pet stores. Visit the breeder's house and kennel, meet the dog's mother and relatives.
Get your puppy ready
Before you bring your new puppy home, there are a few things you need to do.
• puppy food
• leads and collars with tags containing your and your veterinarian's phone numbers
• water and food bowls
• dog bed
• grooming brush
• folding gate or crate keeps your dog in one place
Chew toys
Puppy proof your home
Like babies, puppies explore with their mouths. To protect them, there are a few things you should do before you bring your puppy home.
• remove fragile objects and electrical cords from dog height.
• close low windows.
• contain detergents, engine oil, antifreeze and medicines.
• provide well-covered trash cans.
Choosing puppy food
Puppies need food specifically designed for their small bodies. This is because growing puppies require more protein and calories than adult dogs.diets are also easier because of puppies' small mouths and weak jaws. Remember that puppies also need plenty of fresh, clean water.
How much food does a puppy need?
Dogs eat a lot when they have food. Therefore, you should never feed your puppy a buffet meal. It's also a good idea to keep track of what your puppy is eating so you can monitor his health. The amount of food you need depends on your size, age and health. Talk to your veterinarian about how much to feed your puppy.
Use dog beds and crates
Puppies can sleep from 14 hours a day to 20 hours a day, so make sure they are comfortable during their naps. Many experts say that puppies should sleep in your bedroom first, whether in their own bed or in their crate, for bonding. If you use crates, use them only for sleeping, breaking in, and moving. Dogs are not meant to live in cages, so don't overdo it by confining your pet at all times. But the door remains open. Many dogs see their crate as a safe place and feel comfortable being able to come and go as they please.
Inside or outside?
Dogs are happiest when they are with their pack. It could be you if your dog is outdoors a lot, make sure to make time for daily walks and playtime. Protect your dog in a fenced yard. Make sure you have a covered, dry, draft-free area to keep them warm and a shady spot to keep them cool.make sure they have plenty of fresh water. Please.
Take the puppy home
A puppy's first few days in a new home are a big adaptation. Have fun with them. Bring his bed or crate into your bedroom at night so he can be near you. Your veterinarian will be able to answer all your questions and ensure that your new pet is free of health problems.
Invade your puppy
He has two signs that a puppy needs potty training. They sniff the ground to find a good spot or run wild. If you see them behaving like this, pick them up and let them out. Puppies molt every few hours, so expect some accidents. You can also teach them to use toilet liners around the house. Leave it in the same place when you walk this road.
Attend training
You can teach your puppy yourself, but i recommend taking him to an obedience class. You need to be around other dogs and listen while a lot is going on. I also encourage them to do their homework and keep working with them. With a little time, kindness and patience, you can teach feral puppies better behavior.
Play with puppy
Fun to play! Playing with your puppy helps you in many ways, so take some time each day to play with your puppy. They channel energy, work on alignment, and bond with you. Use toys when playing. Do not use puppy leashes, hands or anything else.
Go for a walk
Even if your puppy has a nice garden, you need to take him for walks. Walks give him physical and mental exercise. You can interact with other dogs you meet along the way. It can also leave a trail of scents that dogs like. Try to spend at least 60 minutes a day on two to four walks. Also, make sure your pets are properly vaccinated so they don't get sick along the way.
Protect children and puppies
As much as children and dogs love to play together, puppies can learn the basics and play rough.it's also possible that a rowdy child is playing hard with a puppy. Please monitor and make sure both are safe.
Puppy coat and nail care
Brush your puppy's coat daily. Helps get used to grooming. Ask your veterinarian about the right brush for your dog's breed. Keep nails short, as too long nails can put strain on your dog's wrist, as well as damage people and furniture. When your puppy is young, trim his toes weekly so he can get used to clipping. Your veterinarian will tell you how.
See table scraps
Feeding your puppy from your plate is a bad idea.begging is a hard habit to break! More importantly, some foods can be toxic to dogs, such as grapes, raisins, alcohol, garlic, onions, avocados, salt, and chocolate. , call the animal poison control center at (888) 426-4435 or your veterinarian immediately.
Chocolate and dog
Dogs struggle to break down one of chocolate's most important ingredients. Baking chocolate is the most dangerous type of chocolate for dogs. A little bit of white or milk chocolate won't hurt, but dogs tend to eat whatever is around them. So remove the temptation and keep things like chocolate away from your puppy or dog. Please check if you need
See the plants and your pup
Puppies love to nibble on everything from gardens to houseplants. Some plants, such as lily of the valley, oleander, azalea, yew, foxglove, rhododendron, rhubarb leaves, and shamrock, are dangerous to dogs. If you believe your puppy has eaten poisonous plants, call your veterinarian or animal poison control center at (888) 426-4435 immediately.
6-9 weeks of age:
Time of vaccine
Vaccinations help keep your puppy healthy. After 6-9 weeks, they are vaccinated against distemper, parainfluenza, canine hepatitis and parvovirus. Between 12 and 16 weeks of age, it's time for a rabies vaccination. Other vaccination options depend on your puppy's risks, so please consult your veterinarian.
Fight fleas
You only need one flea to start the flea cycle in your home. Signs that your puppy may have a flea infection include flea droppings (small black flea droppings), mild redness, severe scratching, and skin infections. To get rid of fleas, talk to your veterinarian about flea treatments that are safe for your puppy. Treat all pets in your home for fleas, not just those you may have.
Get rid of puppy parasites
Your puppy will likely need a dewormer at the first veterinary visit.some dog parasites, such as roundworms and hookworms, can also be transmitted to humans, so this is important to their health. And it's a good idea for your health. Almost all puppies have roundworms and hookworms (enlarged here). Intestinal parasites can be fatal to puppies if left untreated.
16-24 weeks of age:
Contraception or castration
More than 6 million dogs and cats visit animal shelters each year. Therefore, we recommend spaying or neutering your puppy. Spaying can be done from 2 months of age, but most veterinarians wait until 4-6 months of age. If cost is an issue, please contact your local humanitarian agency or animal shelter. Or call (800) 248-spay to find affordable birth control programs in your area.
How do you know if your puppy is sick?
Dogs often don't show when they're feeling down. They do their best to remain social when their owners are around. You may notice some common signs of illness in puppies and dogs. For example, not eating, eating less, vomiting, coughing, sneezing, fever, diarrhea, sleeping more. Call your veterinarian if you see these signs.
How to choose a veterinarian
Ask your friends for recommendations. Once you have a few names, visit each clinic. Choose one that is well-maintained and looks and smells clean. A veterinarian should listen to you and answer all your questions. Are the staff friendly? As with your own doctor, you need to feel comfortable with the veterinarian of your choice.
Enjoy your trip!
Puppies can't stay small forever! It's a special time to cherish long after your puppy grows up. Design a daily life for yourself and your little one with lots of love, proper discipline and play!
Before you get a puppy, ask yourself a few questions. Why do you want a dog? Do you have the time, space and money to care for and play with a puppy? What breed do you want? Know the answer before you start searching. If you search, you are more likely to bring home a puppy.
Where to get puppies
There are many options when choosing a puppy. With so many homeless pets, it's great to adopt one from a shelter, rescue group, or animal shelter. When choosing a breeder, the american society for the prevention of cruelty to animals (aspca) recommends looking for smaller breeders who never sell to dealers or pet stores. Visit the breeder's house and kennel, meet the dog's mother and relatives.
Get your puppy ready
Before you bring your new puppy home, there are a few things you need to do.
• puppy food
• leads and collars with tags containing your and your veterinarian's phone numbers
• water and food bowls
• dog bed
• grooming brush
• folding gate or crate keeps your dog in one place
Chew toys
Puppy proof your home
Like babies, puppies explore with their mouths. To protect them, there are a few things you should do before you bring your puppy home.
• remove fragile objects and electrical cords from dog height.
• close low windows.
• contain detergents, engine oil, antifreeze and medicines.
• provide well-covered trash cans.
Choosing puppy food
Puppies need food specifically designed for their small bodies. This is because growing puppies require more protein and calories than adult dogs.diets are also easier because of puppies' small mouths and weak jaws. Remember that puppies also need plenty of fresh, clean water.
How much food does a puppy need?
Dogs eat a lot when they have food. Therefore, you should never feed your puppy a buffet meal. It's also a good idea to keep track of what your puppy is eating so you can monitor his health. The amount of food you need depends on your size, age and health. Talk to your veterinarian about how much to feed your puppy.
Use dog beds and crates
Puppies can sleep from 14 hours a day to 20 hours a day, so make sure they are comfortable during their naps. Many experts say that puppies should sleep in your bedroom first, whether in their own bed or in their crate, for bonding. If you use crates, use them only for sleeping, breaking in, and moving. Dogs are not meant to live in cages, so don't overdo it by confining your pet at all times. But the door remains open. Many dogs see their crate as a safe place and feel comfortable being able to come and go as they please.
Inside or outside?
Dogs are happiest when they are with their pack. It could be you if your dog is outdoors a lot, make sure to make time for daily walks and playtime. Protect your dog in a fenced yard. Make sure you have a covered, dry, draft-free area to keep them warm and a shady spot to keep them cool.make sure they have plenty of fresh water. Please.
Take the puppy home
A puppy's first few days in a new home are a big adaptation. Have fun with them. Bring his bed or crate into your bedroom at night so he can be near you. Your veterinarian will be able to answer all your questions and ensure that your new pet is free of health problems.
Invade your puppy
He has two signs that a puppy needs potty training. They sniff the ground to find a good spot or run wild. If you see them behaving like this, pick them up and let them out. Puppies molt every few hours, so expect some accidents. You can also teach them to use toilet liners around the house. Leave it in the same place when you walk this road.
Attend training
You can teach your puppy yourself, but i recommend taking him to an obedience class. You need to be around other dogs and listen while a lot is going on. I also encourage them to do their homework and keep working with them. With a little time, kindness and patience, you can teach feral puppies better behavior.
Play with puppy
Fun to play! Playing with your puppy helps you in many ways, so take some time each day to play with your puppy. They channel energy, work on alignment, and bond with you. Use toys when playing. Do not use puppy leashes, hands or anything else.
Go for a walk
Even if your puppy has a nice garden, you need to take him for walks. Walks give him physical and mental exercise. You can interact with other dogs you meet along the way. It can also leave a trail of scents that dogs like. Try to spend at least 60 minutes a day on two to four walks. Also, make sure your pets are properly vaccinated so they don't get sick along the way.
Protect children and puppies
As much as children and dogs love to play together, puppies can learn the basics and play rough.it's also possible that a rowdy child is playing hard with a puppy. Please monitor and make sure both are safe.
Puppy coat and nail care
Brush your puppy's coat daily. Helps get used to grooming. Ask your veterinarian about the right brush for your dog's breed. Keep nails short, as too long nails can put strain on your dog's wrist, as well as damage people and furniture. When your puppy is young, trim his toes weekly so he can get used to clipping. Your veterinarian will tell you how.
See table scraps
Feeding your puppy from your plate is a bad idea.begging is a hard habit to break! More importantly, some foods can be toxic to dogs, such as grapes, raisins, alcohol, garlic, onions, avocados, salt, and chocolate. , call the animal poison control center at (888) 426-4435 or your veterinarian immediately.
Chocolate and dog
Dogs struggle to break down one of chocolate's most important ingredients. Baking chocolate is the most dangerous type of chocolate for dogs. A little bit of white or milk chocolate won't hurt, but dogs tend to eat whatever is around them. So remove the temptation and keep things like chocolate away from your puppy or dog. Please check if you need
See the plants and your pup
Puppies love to nibble on everything from gardens to houseplants. Some plants, such as lily of the valley, oleander, azalea, yew, foxglove, rhododendron, rhubarb leaves, and shamrock, are dangerous to dogs. If you believe your puppy has eaten poisonous plants, call your veterinarian or animal poison control center at (888) 426-4435 immediately.
6-9 weeks of age:
Time of vaccine
Vaccinations help keep your puppy healthy. After 6-9 weeks, they are vaccinated against distemper, parainfluenza, canine hepatitis and parvovirus. Between 12 and 16 weeks of age, it's time for a rabies vaccination. Other vaccination options depend on your puppy's risks, so please consult your veterinarian.
Fight fleas
You only need one flea to start the flea cycle in your home. Signs that your puppy may have a flea infection include flea droppings (small black flea droppings), mild redness, severe scratching, and skin infections. To get rid of fleas, talk to your veterinarian about flea treatments that are safe for your puppy. Treat all pets in your home for fleas, not just those you may have.
Get rid of puppy parasites
Your puppy will likely need a dewormer at the first veterinary visit.some dog parasites, such as roundworms and hookworms, can also be transmitted to humans, so this is important to their health. And it's a good idea for your health. Almost all puppies have roundworms and hookworms (enlarged here). Intestinal parasites can be fatal to puppies if left untreated.
16-24 weeks of age:
Contraception or castration
More than 6 million dogs and cats visit animal shelters each year. Therefore, we recommend spaying or neutering your puppy. Spaying can be done from 2 months of age, but most veterinarians wait until 4-6 months of age. If cost is an issue, please contact your local humanitarian agency or animal shelter. Or call (800) 248-spay to find affordable birth control programs in your area.
How do you know if your puppy is sick?
Dogs often don't show when they're feeling down. They do their best to remain social when their owners are around. You may notice some common signs of illness in puppies and dogs. For example, not eating, eating less, vomiting, coughing, sneezing, fever, diarrhea, sleeping more. Call your veterinarian if you see these signs.
How to choose a veterinarian
Ask your friends for recommendations. Once you have a few names, visit each clinic. Choose one that is well-maintained and looks and smells clean. A veterinarian should listen to you and answer all your questions. Are the staff friendly? As with your own doctor, you need to feel comfortable with the veterinarian of your choice.
Enjoy your trip!
Puppies can't stay small forever! It's a special time to cherish long after your puppy grows up. Design a daily life for yourself and your little one with lots of love, proper discipline and play!
Jan 03,2023