A Day of Healthful Choices for the Whole Family
A day full of healthy choices for the whole family
6:30 am: fill up first
When you wake up, you probably haven't eaten in at least 10 hours. Do not start until refueling! A healthy breakfast can give you and your child a sharper brain, more energy, and overall nutrition for the day. Included. Try a whole-wheat English muffin with peanut butter or melted low-fat cheese.
7am on the move
Take a 30-minute walk around your neighborhood before heading out. Rejuvenate and get the 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity you need each week. Morning exercise can help lower blood pressure and lower daily levels of triglycerides (unhealthy fats) in your body. As a bonus, you can sleep soundly at night.
7:30 Protect your skin
Never leave home without sunscreen. Sunscreen isn't just for the beach and summer. Even in winter, even when it's cloudy, UV rays can penetrate your skin and burn your skin, especially on exposed areas like your face, ears, and the backs of your hands.These are the most frequently treated by dermatologists for skin cancer area.
7:45 hour travel light
An overstuffed backpack or handbag can strain the muscles in your neck, shoulders and back and cause injury. A backpack should hold no more than 15% of the wearer's weight from his 10%. Look for wide, padded straps. Throw it over your shoulders and distribute your weight evenly. Look for lightweight wallets, briefcases, and totes to pack only what you need. Swap shoulders and handles. You can even try a bag on wheels and roll it on the floor.
8:00 a.m. Make your commute more productive
Do you live a few miles from work or school? Then park your car and walk. Save fuel, keep the environment clean, and start your day healthy. Be sure to wear supportive walking shoes. If a vehicle must be used, the driver and passengers (including children on school buses) must fasten their seatbelts or use a suitable child seat for any short distance. .
10:30 a.m. Snack Smart
Ditch the donut tray before your next office meeting! Instead, offer healthier options such as fresh fruit platters, mini muffins, whole grain bagels, and yogurt. It may not be necessary to provide food at the meeting at all. Perhaps you can motivate your colleagues to participate in other ways.
12:30 a.m. Sample a home-cooked lunch
Borrow some ideas from your child's lunch at school, especially if you're eating at your desk. If you bring your lunch from home, you can control calories and portions. Kids and adults alike love lunchtime dishes that combine vegetables with whole grains and protein. A quick, delicious, portable option:
Spread hummus on whole-wheat wrap. Layer lean turkey breast and spinach leaves. Roll up and enjoy! Bring (or mail) fruit, yogurt, or whole grain biscuits for dessert or snacks.
2 p.m. Prevent Back Pain
8/15Back pain is he one of the main reasons why people under the age of 45 do not go to work. Correct posture is important to prevent back pain. Like many of us, if you work at a desk, put a footrest under your chair and adjust your computer monitor so that it's right in front of you. Get up and stretch several times a day.
3 pm. Get a good place in college
Most children need after-school care at home or at an after-school care center. Encourage good study habits by providing a quiet room and enough time to do homework. Television and Internet use should be limited, if not eliminated. However, you can close the book occasionally to prevent eye and neck strain. Healthy snacks such as fruit, muesli, and whole grain pretzels can keep kids satiated without spoiling their appetite for dinner.
4pm stress relief
Are deadlines, difficult relationships, and missed deadlines stressing your family? Stress can affect people of all ages. Learn to recognize the signs of stress and choose healthy ways to deal with it. Getting enough exercise and rest can help reduce stress. Spend time doing what you love. Adults and children alike can benefit from talking about stressful situations with a trusted friend or family member.
5:30pm happy hour don't overdo it
There's nothing wrong with going out for drinks with your co-workers after work. But when you do drink alcohol, always do so in moderation. What is ''moderation''? One 12-ounce beer or 5-ounce glass of wine per day for women, and two for men. Drinking alcohol, even in moderate amounts, increases your chances of developing breast cancer, and its effects on the heart are still being studied.
6:30 p.m. Make dinner a family affair
Studies show that children benefit when families eat together often. They get better grades and eat better. It also reduces the risk of depression and drug use. Try to plan family dinners as often as possible. If that's not possible on weekdays, pack as many meals as you can on weekends.
7:30 p.m. Turn off the TV
Spending less time looking at screens can help you find more time to engage in healthy family activities such as: B. Walk the dog, ride a bike, or play games. More TV time is associated with weight gain in both children and adults. Limit watching TV or other types of screens to no more than 1 hour per day. Try to replace it with activities that move you and your family.
8:30pm make the bedroom sweet
Get ready for a restful night's sleep by keeping your bedroom quiet, dark and cool. Get a firm, supportive mattress. Use white noise, such as radio noise or nature sound cds, to block out unwanted sounds such as traffic or barking dogs. Keep work projects, tvs, laptops and other distractions out of your bedroom.
9:00 p.m. Follow normal bedtime
A preschooler, she needs 11 to 13 hours of sleep a day, including naps. A school-age child needs 10 to 11 hours of sleep a night after a nap at age 5 to stay healthy. Keep your child's bedtime routine consistent. Don't delay bedtime on weekends. To avoid sleep disturbances, have your child avoid caffeinated beverages. An hour before her bedtime, keep her computer, tablet, TV, video games, and other noisy distractions out of her bedroom.
Jan 02,2023