Why Won’t Baby Eat

Baby feeding problems range from sudden throwing up to carrot stains in your hair to refusal to eat. Whether they're humorous or downright creepy, there's a way to deal with it.
Relax first. Breastfeeding hurdles can be frustrating, but as long as your baby is growing and developing normally, there's usually nothing to worry about.
7 Common Problems with Breastfeeding Babies
Refuse food
Babies refuse food for many reasons:
They can be full, tired, distracted, or sick. Maybe your baby's meal plan isn't your meal plan.Don't worry, your baby will eat whenever he's hungry. So when your child taps a spoon, turns his back, or covers his mouth, he's saying enough is enough for now. Give your baby healthy food and don't fill him up too quickly with junk food.
Trust that your baby knows how much food he needs and never force him to eat. If you have any concerns about fasting, be sure to consult your pediatrician. avoidance of new foods
Almost all children go through a phase of refusing new foods. Fortunately, most children get out of this stage, but it can take weeks or months.
Make sure your new food resembles familiar favorites, such as mashed potatoes and mashed potatoes, or mashed potatoes and mashed potatoes, so your baby accepts new foods more easily. Gently feed 3 times new food. If they refuse, don't overreact. Move on to something you know he likes. Try serving the same food at different meals.
Noisy baby, noisy person
It is a complaint of many parents:
My baby is a picky eater.
Babies can be fussy about food for many reasons. They may be toothy, tired, not ready to eat solid food, or they may not need as much food as you are giving them. Keep your baby comfortable during busy times. Likes and dislikes can last for a while, but they rarely last.
Most babies are ready to eat solids between the ages of 4 months and 6 months, but some babies find it difficult to eat solids at first. result? The baby seems to choke while feeding.
If your baby has trouble swallowing solids, try spooning them less. If your baby is still throwing up, it may not be ready for solids. Your child's doctor may look for other reasons for persistent nausea.
Sometimes called ''fed to the floor'', there is often a chaotic stage where the baby seems to spend more time playing and dropping food than eating it.
These typical signs of dietary independence often appear around nine months of age, when the baby craves to control feeding and interact with food. Getting your baby to hold the spoon is often a hassle, but this step is important for your baby to learn, grow and become more independent.
Food allergies and food intolerances
Food allergies that activate the immune system can occur in up to 8% of children and can come on suddenly with symptoms ranging from diarrhea, vomiting, rashes and abdominal pain to trouble breathing and swelling of the face and body. . The most common food allergies in children are milk, soy, eggs, wheat, nuts, and shellfish, but children (and adults) can be allergic to any food.
Food intolerances are more common than food allergies. Although the symptoms are similar, food sensitivities affect the baby's digestive system but not their immune system. Common food intolerances are problems with lactose, corn, or gluten. Food intolerance symptoms include bloating, gas, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
Spitting, regurgitation, or vomiting
Spitting seems to be an almost universal activity for babies. The good news is that the spitting tends to subside once the baby hits her 1st birthday. You can reduce the chances of your baby spitting up by burping them regularly, avoiding overfeeding, keeping baby upright as you feed them, and avoiding playing with baby immediately after eating.
Reflux is when stomach contents back up into a baby's esophagus. To help manage reflux, feed baby a little less or more slowly at each meal; change or loosen baby's diaper; keep them upright after feeding for at least 30 minutes (for example, sit them in a swing or car seat); limit active play after eating; raise the head of baby's bed by propping up the mattress (not by pillows or stuffed animals) under the child's head.
Vomiting, when food comes up more forcefully, can have many causes -- an immature digestive system, infection, medication, and motion sickness, to name a few. Although vomiting usually gets better on its own, call the pediatrician if your baby appears dehydrated, has forceful vomiting or vomits for more than 24 hours, you see blood in the vomit, the child seems to be in pain, or they can't retain fluids. Violent vomiting in infants can be caused by a physical condition called pyloric stenosis that prevents the passage of food from the stomach to the intestine. This condition often occurs between 4 and 8 weeks of age and requires surgical correction.
A baby's feeding problems can have many causes, so if you're concerned, especially if your child isn't growing properly or hitting milestones, it's a good idea to talk to your child's doctor. increase.
If your baby seems to be losing weight, seems lethargic, dehydrated, has persistent vomiting, nausea, diarrhea or is related to certain foods, has stomach pains, or has any questions or concerns please contact your pediatrician.

Dec 30,2022