Breastfeeding vs. Formula Feeding

When it comes to feeding a child, a big decision new mothers have to make is whether to breastfeed or formulate.
Some people may feel uncomfortable breastfeeding around women. But some people criticize that when you pull out a bottle of formula, you're not feeding your baby what's considered ''nature's perfect food'': breast milk.
Welcome to Mamagilt. Whatever you decide, other people will surely have an opinion. Only one thing matters.
Which is the right choice for you and your baby?
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), breast milk is the best nutrition for infants. According to the AAP, a baby should only be breastfed for her first six months. After the baby starts eating other foods, the AAP recommends mothers breastfeed at least until the baby's first birthday, or longer if the baby and parent are ready. Breastfeeding up to 2 years of age is especially beneficial for mothers. Long-term breastfeeding helps prevent diabetes, high blood pressure, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer.
Breast milk is good for babies in many ways:
• Contains the right amount of nutrients your baby needs, including protein, carbohydrates, fat and calcium.
• Provides natural antibodies that help babies fight diseases such as ear infections.
• Generally easier to digest than formula. Breastfed babies often have less constipation and gas.
• May reduce the risk of babies dying in their crib during the first year of life.
• Improve your child's intelligence. Studies show that breastfed babies have higher levels of cognitive function.
•Breast milk helps your child grow by reducing the risk of obesity, asthma, allergies, type 1 and her type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, Hodgkin's disease, leukemia, and lymphoma. • Always available for free.
Breastfeeding is good for mothers too. Women who breastfeed have a lower risk of breast cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and ovarian cancer. It also helps you lose baby weight more easily, making you less likely to suffer from postpartum depression.
But let's not forget her one of the main reasons many new moms want to breastfeed. It's a wonderful bonding experience with your baby.
It can also express breast milk, so public breastfeeding and other family members can participate in breastfeeding.
formula feeding
Baby bottles are also a healthy choice for babies. Infant formula gives your baby the best alternative to breast milk. (Do not make your own formula or give infant milk or any other type of milk.)
Many mothers choose formula for various reasons.
Comfortable. Bottle-fed infants can be fed at any time by anyone.
Flexible. No need to schedule pumping into your work schedule. Alternatively, you can leave the formula to a babysitter or daycare. • Partners can help with nighttime feedings and share bonding experiences with your baby.
Facilitates feeding scheduling. Bottle-fed babies don't need to eat as often, especially in the first few months, as bottle-fed babies don't digest as quickly as breast milk.
No need to worry about what to eat. Breastfeeding mothers may need to avoid certain foods that their babies cannot tolerate. • You can drink wine and cocktails from time to time. Alcohol is taboo for breastfeeding women because they pass it on to their babies in trace amounts.
supplementary food
Your doctor may recommend breastfeeding and formulating your baby, or adding powdered or liquid restoratives to your expressed breast milk. This may be necessary in the following cases:
Your baby was born prematurely or very underweight and needs extra calories and nutrients
It is difficult for the baby to adjust to breastfeeding. your body isn't producing enough breast milk
Baby is dehydrated, severely jaundiced or hypoglycemic
It is recommended that you express breast milk while your baby is on solids so that you can start breastfeeding as soon as your baby is ready. You can switch to breast milk only. Regardless of how you feed your baby – breast milk, formula or a combination of both – the most important thing is that your baby is well fed, well cared for and loved. Leave mommy guilt behind!

Dec 30,2022