Peppermint How to Use It

What is peppermint?
This herb is a hybrid of two types of mint.
watermint and spearmint. The taste and smell of things like candy and soap come from the concentrated oils (essential oils) found in plants.
past of peppermint
The ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians used mints, including peppermint, as medicines thousands of years ago.However, peppermint wasn't recognized as a distinct subspecies until the late 17th century.
how to use it
Peppermint leaves are available as teas, capsules, or extracts.Peppermint oil comes in capsules and liquid form. It can be applied to the skin or taken by mouth. Very concentrated, dilute at a time or use just a few drops. Ingesting too much oil at once can be toxic.
soothe an upset stomach
Peppermint contains compounds that relax tissues in the digestive tract of animals. Some studies have shown that peppermint and other herbal remedies can relieve stomach pain in children, but more evidence is needed before doctors can recommend them. It has also been shown to help reduce nausea and vomiting after therapy.
Treating IBS Symptoms
Studies suggest that coated peppermint oil capsules may relieve side effects of irritable bowel syndrome such as gas, stomach pain, constipation and diarrhea.
headache help
The active ingredient in peppermint is menthol. Some small studies show that it can relieve migraine pain.It can also reduce other symptoms such as sensitivity to light, nausea, and vomiting. Some studies suggest that applying a solution of peppermint oil to the forehead and temples may also relieve tension headaches.
kill oral bacteria
Peppermint's taste not only freshens your breath, but its antibacterial properties also help eliminate odor sources.
germs. It is thought to help prevent bacteria from forming a film on your teeth and help keep your pearly whites healthy.
Relieves stuffy sinuses
Peppermint's antibacterial powers help fight off colds and infected mucus that build up in your sinuses.Menthol also makes you feel like you're breathing easier.
boost energy
If you want to be more alert during the day, peppermint oil will help. Experts don't know exactly what's going on in your body when you smell peppermint oil, but it may help reduce sleepiness during waking hours.
relieve period pain
Although it does not appear to affect blood loss, the menthol found in peppermint can reduce the intensity and duration of menstrual cramps in some women. Fights foodborne bacteria
Scientists have tested peppermint oil on bacteria such as E. coli, listeria and salmonella. It can also kill Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterium that causes meningitis, and more.
suppress appetite
Research continues, but some studies have shown that peppermint oil can reduce hunger. This can make you eat less and lead to weight loss.
silent seasonal allergies
Peppermint can help you enjoy the outdoors more during allergy season. It has a compound called rosmarinic acid that can lower your body's histamine response. This means that symptoms such as hyperemia, itching, etc. will decrease.
sharpen your concentration
In one small study, peppermint oil capsules helped people process problems longer without mental fatigue. The pungent aroma of herbs can also enhance memory and enhance alertness.

Dec 26,2022